The Knights by Aristophanes
The National Theatre of Greece presents The Knights, one of AristophanesΆmost explicitly political comedies, featuring a formidable castunder the helm of director Konstantinos Rigos, bringing together differentworlds on stage. The main character, Paphlagonian, is inspired by Cleon,the politician who ran the Athens city state in the wake of PericlesΆ deathand AtheniansΆ triumphant victory over the Spartans in Pylos (425 BC).Through his portrayal of Cleon, Aristophanes launches a scathing attackon corrupt politicians and demagogues who use power for their own ends.The hilarious plot leads to the eternal question: are cunning, resourcefulness,and depravity typical of politicians, and if so, does the most connivingperson invariably prevail on the political arena?